China stock market and its effects on US real estate market


The China stock market remains very volatile.  Forbes published an article on July 27 2015 on what’s ahead for China shares, and what do China’s stock market decline means for the country’s growing investment in U.S. real estate.  

As many Chinese citizens and Chinese entities have been acquiring US residential housing and commercial properties, the implications of the volatile stock market needs to be better understood, It is clear that the Chinese government is actively trying to manage the declining stock market but these actions might have consequences that nobody expects. For example, are foreign companies more concerned about investing in China now?  Are Chinese citizens more or less likely to buy houses in the US? Are the measures of the China government going to be sufficient or is the government going to implement new measures that will further control capital inflows and capital outflows?

Full details can be read here

In the Media

South China Morning Post
Shanghai Times
Shanghai Office
Capital Weekly
The New York Times
Financial Times