Exodus of wealthy Chinese accelerates


Chinese real estate buyersBeijing's decision to dismantle Covid travel restrictions is accelerating an exodus by wealthy Chinese.  The result is that billions of dollars in leaving China and is being put into real estate assets overseas.

Since the end of the "zero-Covid" strategy in December, many rich Chinese have begun traveling overseas to check out real estate or firm up plans to emigrate. Many wealthy Chinese are keen to start moving their money to other countries.  And the best thing for these rich Chinese is buying houses overseas, especially in America.  Reports indicate that many Chinese are once again accelerating their quest for an American home.  This includes an American passport and an American house.

It is expected that many more rich Chinese will start purchasing houses in America now that they can freely travel again.

Read all the details about how wealthy Chinese are leaving China here

In the Media

South China Morning Post
Shanghai Times
Shanghai Office
Capital Weekly
The New York Times
Financial Times