Zero-Covid lockdowns prompt Chinese studying overseas to think twice about returning home


Chinese students looking to extend stay in US after graduation

Many Chinese students who are in the US are very reluctant to go back to China after graduation.  They prefer to stay in America, find a job here, buy a house and then settle down. They have witnessed China’s three years of isolation under its zero-Covid policy and they do not feel comfortable to move back to a country that took so many draconian actions.

Zoe Qiu, a Chinese student at the University of Southern California said she was “fearful” about going back to China after graduation because of the months of lockdowns experienced by Shanghai residents last year. 

There are many stories of Chinese students who miss their family in China but are now determined to stay in the US and start a life here.  Buying a house here in America is a dream they are looking to realize - often paid for by parents in China...

Read all the details here in The South China Morning Post.  

In the Media

South China Morning Post
Shanghai Times
Shanghai Office
Capital Weekly
The New York Times
Financial Times